The ILP Manager class¶
ILP Formulation¶
This class models Euler’s 185th riddle with the following Integer Linear Problem:
be binary variables indicating the color of the digits in
, that is:
Since each vertex in
has only one color, we get the constraints:
And from the input of correct vertices we get the constraints:
Since we are guarantied that only one solution exists, we can put a dummy objective function of our choice, and solve the ILP to get the unique solution.
Class API¶
(m)[source]¶ Model the 185th problem in Project Euler as an ILP (Integer Linear Program)
To instantiate this module, please specify the length on sequences.
(sequences_list, n_correct_vertices_list)[source]¶ Given input sequences, and number or correct vertices in each of them, build an ILP representation of the problem.
Parameters: - sequences_list – List of sequences, each of length self.m, of integers between 0 and 9.
- n_correct_vertices_list – Number of correct vertices in each sequence in sequences_list. A vertex is correct if its color is equal to the color of the corresponding vertex in the solution s_star.
Returns: tuple, containing:
- ilp_solver: Pulp instance, holding all the information needed for the solution.
- s_star_to_color_edges: The edges (variables) in the ilp_solver.
(ilp_solver, s_star_to_color_edges)[source]¶ Given a solver with the needed information, solve the ILP and extract the solution to problem 185.
Parameters: - ilp_solver – Pulp instance, holding all the information needed for the solution.
- s_star_to_color_edges – The edges (variables) in the ilp_solver.
Returns: s_star: List of integers that is the solution to problem 185.
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The ILP Manager class
ILP Formulation
This class models Euler's 185th riddle with the following Integer Linear Problem:
Let :math:`\left\{ x_{i,c}\right\} _{i\in[m],c\in[10]}` be binary variables indicating \
the color of the digits in :math:`s^{*}`, that is: \
:math:`x_{j,c}=1\thinspace\thinspace\iff\thinspace\thinspace v_{j}^{*}=c`.
Since each vertex in :math:`s^{*}` has only one color, we get the constraints: \
:math:`\left\{ \sum_{c=0}^{9}x_{j,c}=1\right\} _{j\in[m]}`
And from the input of correct vertices we get the constraints: \
:math:`\left\{ \sum_{j\in[m]}x_{j,v_{j}^{\left(i\right)}}=d^{\left(i\right)}\right\} _{i\in[n]}`
Since we are guarantied that only one solution exists, we can put a dummy objective function of our choice, \
and solve the ILP to get the unique solution.
Class API
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The heading level drops (heading 1 => heading 2 => etc.)
.. autoclass:: src.ilp_manager.ILPManager
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.. literalinclude:: ilp_manager.rst
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