How To Use This for YOUR Next Project :)

  1. pip install sphinx
  2. Copy the documentation_template_for_your_next_project folder in this repository,
    make it a subdirectory in your local project and rename it documentation.
  3. Edit by searching the pattern #CHNAGEME# inside the file and follow the instructions.
  4. Edit index.rst by following the inline instructions.
  5. To add a page to your documentation:
    1. Create a .rst file for the function/module you wish to document
      (you can use the templates supplied here), and
    2. Add the name of the .rst file to the toctree in index.rst.
  6. In terminal, inside the documentation folder, run make html.
    (TIP OF THE WEEK: actually, always run make clean html to clear sphinx cache and build from scratch)
  7. To view locally - open the file documentation/_build/html/index.html in your browser, and enjoy the read :)
  8. To share - you can use GitHub Pages to host your documentation:
    1. Copy the content of documentation/_build/html/ into a new docs folder, under the root of the project.
    2. Create an empty file .nojekyll inside docs folder
      (this tells GitHub Pages to bypass the default jekyll themes and use the html and css in your project)
    3. Push your changes to master branch.
    4. In your repository on GitHub, go to “Settings” -> “GitHub Pages” -> “Source”
      and select “master branch /docs folder”.
    5. Share your beautiful documentation site at https://<your_git_usrname><project_name>/

When updating your documentation:

  1. Delete everything in docs besides the .nojekyll file.
  2. Commit your changes.
  3. Copy the new content of documentation/_build/html/ into docs.
  4. Commit and push your changes.
  5. Wait a few minutes for your website on GitHub Pages to be updated.

Return Home

This page was generated using this .rst code:

How To Use This for YOUR Next Project :)

   The following command allows me to choose line breaks inside a "numbering" environment.
   Outside a special environment, i could use
   | vertical bars
   | to format lines
   | to my desire

.. |br| raw:: html

   <br />

#. ``pip install sphinx``

#. Copy the ``documentation_template_for_your_next_project`` folder in this repository, |br|
   make it a subdirectory in your local project and rename it ``documentation``.

#. Edit ```` by searching the pattern ``#CHNAGEME#`` inside the file and follow the instructions.

#. Edit ``index.rst`` by following the inline instructions.

#. To add a page to your documentation:

   #. Create a ``.rst`` file for the function/module you wish to document |br|
      (you can use the templates supplied here), and

   #. Add the name of the ``.rst`` file to the ``toctree`` in ``index.rst``.

#. In terminal, inside the ``documentation`` folder, run ``make html``. |br|
   (**TIP OF THE WEEK**: actually, always run ``make clean html`` to clear sphinx cache and build from scratch)

#. To view locally - open the file ``documentation/_build/html/index.html`` in your browser, and enjoy the read :)

#. To share - you can use `GitHub Pages <>`_ to host your documentation: |br|

   #. Copy the content of ``documentation/_build/html/`` into a new ``docs`` folder, under the root of the project.

   #. Create an empty file ``.nojekyll`` inside ``docs`` folder |br|
      (this tells GitHub Pages to bypass the default ``jekyll`` themes and use the ``html`` and ``css`` in your project)

   #. Push your changes to master branch.

   #. In your repository on GitHub, go to "Settings" -> "GitHub Pages" -> "Source" |br|
      and select "master branch /docs folder".

   #. Share your beautiful documentation site at ``https://<your_git_usrname><project_name>/``


.. topic:: When updating your documentation:

    #. Delete everything in ``docs`` besides the ``.nojekyll`` file.

    #. Commit your changes.

    #. Copy the new content of ``documentation/_build/html/`` into ``docs``.

    #. Commit and push your changes.

    #. Wait a few minutes for your website on GitHub Pages to be updated.

:ref:`Return Home <mastertoc>`


This page was generated using this .rst code:


.. literalinclude:: how_to_use_this_for_your_next_project.rst