The main configurations file:

Below is the code for, the main configuration file that is used for generating this documentation.

This file was originally made by running sphinx-quickstart.

It was modified and customized such that, hopefully, it has a clearer structure, and is easier to re-modify for the sake of YOUR next project :)


This is the main file in which the configuration for the documentation is made.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Sphinx185 documentation build configuration file, created by
# sphinx-quickstart on Sat May 12 19:34:31 2018.

# DalyaG: This file was heavily modified from its original build.
# Hope you find this useful :)

# -- Define here your working directory -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import os
import sys

# -- Some general info  about the project -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

project = u'Sphinx185'
copyright = u'2018, DalyaG'
author = u'DalyaG'

# -- A few basic configurations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# The documentation in this project will be mostly generated from .rst files
# In This project, every auto-documented module/class has its own .rst file, under the main documentation dir,
#   which is rendered into an .html page.
# Get more information here:
source_suffix = ['.rst']

# This is the name of the main page of the project.
# It means that you need to have an `index.rst` file where you will design the landing page of your project.
# It will be rendered into an .html page that you can find at: `_build/html/index.html`
# (this is a standard name. change it only if you know what you are doing)
master_doc = 'index'

# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
# This patterns also effect to html_static_path and html_extra_path
exclude_patterns = ['_build']

# List here any paths that contain templates, relative to this directory.
# You can find some not-so-intuitive information here:
# But the best way to learn is by example, right? :)
# So, for example, in this project, I wanted to change the title of the Table Of Contents in the sidebar.
#   So I copied `<Sphinx install dir>/themes/basic/globaltoc.html` into the `_templates` folder,
#      and replaced 'Table of Content' with 'Sphinx185'.
templates_path = ['_templates']

# -- Define and configure non-default extensions ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# You can find a list of available extension here:
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.todo', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.imgmath']

# Above extensions explanation and configurations:

# todo: When you use the syntax ".. todo:: some todo comment" in your docstring,
#         it will appear in a highlighted box in the documentation.
#       In order for this extension to work, make sure you include the following:
todo_include_todos = True

# viewcode: Next to each function/module in the documentation, you will have an internal link to the source code.
#           The source code will have colors defined by the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style.
#           You can checkout the available pygments here:
pygments_style = 'native'

# autodoc: The best thing about Sphinx IMHO is autodoc.
#          It allows Sphinx to automatically generate documentation for the docstrings in your code.
#          Get more info here:
# Some useful configurations:
autoclass_content = "both"  # Include both the class's and the init's docstrings.
autodoc_member_order = 'bysource'  # In the documentation, keep the same order of members as in the code.
autodoc_default_flags = ['members']  # Default: include the docstrings of all the class/module members.

# imgmath: Sphinx allows use of LaTeX in the html documentation, but not directly. It is first rendered to an image.
# You can add here whatever preamble you are used to adding to your LaTeX document.
imgmath_latex_preamble = r'''

# -- Options for HTML output -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages.
# You can find available themes here:
# In this project, I wanted to use a non-default theme, and so I downloaded the `graphite` template from here:
#    Some adjustments I made to graphite:
#    - I did not use the pygment configuration, and so removed "pygments_style = graphite.GraphiteStyle" from theme.conf
#                                                      and deleted
#    - In the static folder, I configured several classes both in graphite.css and in html4css1.css,
#         you can download the original and compare to find those changes.
html_theme = 'graphite'
# When using a non-built-in theme, define the path to your template code.
html_theme_path = ['.']

# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
html_static_path = ['_static']

# Defining the static path allows me to add my own logo for the project:
#   (make sure the theme of your choice support the use of logo.
html_logo = '_static/sphinx_and_dalya.png'

# Custom sidebar templates, must be a dictionary that maps document names to template names.
# In This project I chose to include in the sidebar:
#   - Table of Contents: I chose globaltoc as it is less refined,
#     and configured the title by editing the globaltoc template (see explanation above, in the templates_path comment)
#   - Search box: appears below the TOc, and can be configured by editing css attributes.
html_sidebars = {
    '**': [

This page was generated using this .rst code:

The main configurations file:

Below is the code for ````, the main configuration file that is used for generating this documentation.

This file was originally made by running ``sphinx-quickstart``.

It was modified and customized such that, hopefully, it has a clearer structure,
and is easier to re-modify for the sake of YOUR next project :)


.. literalinclude::


This page was generated using this .rst code:


.. literalinclude:: conf.rst


:ref:`Return Home <mastertoc>`

Return Home